Embodying Intimacy
Sexological Intimacy Training with Body Poem and The Wheel of Consent for empowering confidence in your intimate self-expression
On-line sessions & in-person retreats with Katie Sarra
Online or In-person Retreats
Radical Acceptance
We work privately while you grow your new roots and discover your gifts, ready to share them in new relationships. I facilitate the Wheel of Consent, Body Poem and a range of Somatic practices that empower your self-expression and confidence in intimate relational decision-making informed by all the different parts of you.
Every human being has gifts to share, and these are often grown from where we have suffered the most. When we are witnessed and acknowledged with radical acceptance, trusting spontaneity with our intimate self-expression gains confidence. This is a process of integrating exiled aspects of ourselves, illuminating unthought-knowns using the practice of Body Poem. I guide you step by step into inhabiting new ways of being, updating habitual adaptive versions of yourself that maybe you keep repeating.
With over 35 years of professional clinical practice informed by affective, relational neuroscience research and successful outcomes from therapy with me, I have learned to trust these tried-and-tested practices.
I am trained as an Art Psychotherapist, a facilitator of the Wheel of Consent and Right Use of Power, a Sexological Intimacy Coach and Bodywork Practitioner, a Tantra Teacher, a Sacred Intimate, a Fine Artist, and a Playback Theatre Practitioner. I have many years of experience working with entheogens and in Shamanic training. I teach UK and worldwide practitioner training in Sexological Intimacy Coaching, Sexological Bodywork Practitioner, the Wheel of Consent, the Right Use of Power, and Body Poetry.
Trusting Spontaneity
It can take courage to inhabit our ‘personal power,’ which we can define as our creative self-expression in symbolically representing the many aspects of ourselves with authenticity. It takes even more courage to acknowledge where we may have made agreements that don’t represent the more vulnerable aspects of ourselves that may be hidden in shame. ‘The more you are you, the more of me I can be’ widens the bandwidth of acceptance that secures our belonging.
My aim with this intimacy training is to hold space with the most tender and exuberant aspects of being human. I have the capacity to hold the unspeakable parts of us with deep compassion and humour. My ultimate goal is to help you find the courage to venture under the masks and layers of who you are not, to liberate and release your vulnerable true essence. This is an invitation to discover ways of delivering our gifts like nuts and seeds, fruits and flowers, and all of nature's offers without shame. This might begin with a timid peek-a-boo or in exuberant shameless self-expression as we experiment and play with learning how safe it is ‘to be me’.
In this training and life! I welcome the emotional landscapes of all categorisations of identity ascribed to belonging with radical acceptance and understanding that our personal and role power is influenced by society's systemic power structures that secure or make our belonging insecure.
My mission is to contribute to healing separation by creating accessible step-by-step structures that support trusting to feel more and fear less. The more we tune in with ourselves with kindness and compassion, the more likely we are to be kind to the people and animals around us and less likely to suffer from being commodified and commodifying others without care.
As the founder of Body Poem™ and the Institute of Relational Harmony Studies, I am committed to contributing to ethical professional development. I choreograph and teach professionals the Certificate in Sexological Bodywork Practitioner, Sexological Intimacy Coaching, Somatic Sex Education, and Body Poem.
This work is a political movement of collective power to update the social reality maps of living that I see as a hologram of security that is simultaneously taking humanity out to sea when we are disabled from swimming in the emergence of living. Body Poem is pioneering in facilitating illuminating unthought-knowns and playing creatively with life's decisions, even the seemingly impossible ones like the need for secure reliability at the same time as the need for adventure, trying new ways of being with expansions of consciousness. These pole positions can play a harmony like two ends of a harp string when they don't tune out from each other.
I bring over 35 years of professional clinical practice and research and have honed my expertise in facilitating radical acceptance and integrating exiled aspects of the self. I focus on enhancing trusting spontaneity, empowering personal power, and play to ultimately bring us into service and contribute purposefully to the ecosystems of life.
I am a “Right use of Power” teacher trained with Cedar Barstow www.rightuseofpower.org and have learned the power of acknowledgement, understanding, remorse, repair and learning that can heal the harm and impact we have caused ourselves and others and where others have impacted us. Ultimate freedom can be understood as having repaired our relationships with others and with ourselves from when we found ourselves in separation. Remorse is sometimes the most complex ‘come clean’ to navigate, but we carry heavy burdens without braving this. I am an expert in facilitating this in structured ways that offer freedom with a lighter, warmer heart.
The Institute for Relational Harmony Studies
Katie Sarra is the founder of the Institute for Relational Harmony Studies where she choreographs and teaches professional certification in Body Poem, Relational Embodiment, Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodywork training with an international team of leading-edge educators. She follows the Code of Ethics of the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists (ASIS) and the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB).
Reflections & Feedback
“All the sex I have had in recent years has not been connected, I sought out fantasies and deviations to try and find that connection … what is happening here feels like many major steps forward”
“I’m seeing reality from an easier place and its been good to share all that I’ve been holding on to releasing into more space inside. I realise that I can have desire”
“At the end of the session I felt sensual, relaxed, released, relieved, unblocked, and lighter and I am taking away with me a new experience and I have learnt that I can do something different”
As your receptivity to feel more increases and you find words that come close to describing what matters to you and you learn to stop overriding these communications, your decision-making can have the benefits of hindsight in each moment.
I’m seeing reality from an easier place and its been good to share all that I’ve been holding on to releasing into more space inside. I realise that I can have desire
Confidential Source
“When I started working with you I expected it to be painful and traumatic and was pleasantly surprised that it was so gentle and nurturing despite the depth of the emotional wounds that were being healed”
“Katie has facilitated my inner person to become my outer person. She has unlocked and liberated my mind and body.”

“It’s a joy to be hidden but a disaster never to be found”
— Donald Winnicott
Body Poem Videos from live sessions.
Body Poem offers a way of illuminating unthought-knowns and trusting in self-organising intelligence when we practise radical acceptance.
Your Body Poem might be the beginning of a session with your arrival or completing a session with where you have been. Here are two live recorded examples that have been made into short films helping us not to forget the wisdom that speaks when we listen in this way.
Embodying intimacy In-person Retreats & Online
Online from your home
These online sessions are in the privacy of your home. This is through a process called Body Poem that illuminates different aspects of yourself that are calling to be listened to.
These online sessions offer you home practice guidance to support you updating versions of yourself and creating new ways of being that enhance your intentions for yourself.
1 - 3 day retreats in UK South West or Lancashire
These are in person retreats in private locations either in Devon, Somerset or Lancashire where you have the opportunity to discover routes back into your naturalness and authenticity inhabiting new ways of being.
We begin with a consultation online to explore what you are wanting to welcome into your life and overcome.
1 - 3 Day retreats in Portugal
These are in person retreats in private locations either in the mountains or by the sea with easy access from Lisbon or Porto airports where you have the opportunity to discover routes back into your naturalness and authenticity inhabiting new ways of being.
We begin with a consultation online to explore what you are wanting to welcome into your life and overcome.
1 - 6 day retreats by the Indian Ocean - Kenya
These are in person retreats in private locations by the sea with easy access from Moi airport where you have the opportunity to discover routes back into your naturalness and authenticity inhabiting new ways of being.
We begin with a consultation online to explore what you are wanting to welcome into your life and overcome.